
Lori Miller, Creator, Chef, and CEO of Pure Fresh Daily LLC, is not a licensed nutritionist, dietitian or medical healthcare professional. The information contained on this site is her creative content based on research and personal experience unless otherwise stated, and should not be substituted for qualified medical guidance, treatment or advice. Ingredients and procedures presented, including any products presented within the Pure Fresh Daily site, are in no way intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any medical, or any other physical condition. Always seek the counsel of a qualified medical practitioner or other health care provider for an individual consultation before making any significant changes about what you eat, what you add to your diet and lifestyle, or to answer questions about specific medical conditions.

Medical questions of any kind shall not be acknowledged, nor shall any medical conversations be permitted within any social media accounts connected to Pure Fresh Daily LLC. The author, Lori Miller, of Pure Fresh Daily LLC, shall in no event, be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental and consequential, due to someone’s personal health choices.